The team arrived and was met by Max's Grandad's friend Jun at the airport before we travelled into our hotel in Shinjuku. We meet Isaac who had travelled separately from
visiting his Uncle.
We explored the local area and found a restaurant that made okinomiyaki - so we ended up cooking dinner ourselves the first night :)
This morning we headed out early to Akihabara to explore the world of Anime, Manga and Electronics. We saw lots of amazing things in up to 5 floor buildings which housed every cord, console or computer you could imagine.
After a quick train ride we jumped out into the heat again of Harajuku - explored the amazing fashions and all managed to lighten our wallets with some shopping - Steve won MVP in that department. In our bags were a collection of shoes, kimono, speakers, t-shirts, hello kitty items, shirts and a large number of cold drinks.
After a late afternoon relax we headed for some dinner to a very authentic sushi bar where we ate a range of squid, tuna, salmon, shrimps, egg and octopus sushi followed by a snack run to our favourite Family Mart.
We hope everyone has a great start to Term 3
Anna (on behalf of NZ iGeo Team)
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